This is nice, properly put together. I am waiting to see if someone is willing to remake, Lilycove city, but I like your mellow but hip style, what do you say? =] Anyways... 10/10!
This is nice, properly put together. I am waiting to see if someone is willing to remake, Lilycove city, but I like your mellow but hip style, what do you say? =] Anyways... 10/10!
Lilycove huh? Maybe I'll give it a shot after careful consideration... thanks for the review!
Wow, that was good, this is perfect for a glow party or a techno party! =D So much to intake that is makes you want to dance to each individual sound. 10/10 and 5/5! Outstanding job! I wish I could make music. xD
Thanks alot man! :D i appreciate it!
This is freaken hard core, I like how there is like sudden changes of sound in it, but the intro could of been better, no big deal, 10/10 and 5/5! =D
Thanks, I enjoy keeping the listener entertained like that. Here, have a link to the Remastered "Ultimate" version!
This song makes me think of the people I love! Nice remake. 10/10 and 5/5! =]
Nice piece it goes hard, but I think you should have added a little more drum to it; no big deal. 5/5 as well. =D
Joined on 12/28/09